The SF Giants are not making any progress (yet) and Farhan Zaidi should be kicked out

The SF Giants are not making any progress (yet) and Farhan Zaidi should be kicked out

SAN FRANCISCO – If my columns had the same shelf life as Farhan Zaidi’s post-market commentary, I’d be out.

Two weeks ago, after a series of questionable moves, Zaidi made two completely absurd claims.

The first reason was that the Giants believed they could still make the playoffs with “the best rotation in baseball.”

The second reason was that trading the team's best power hitter, Jorge Soler, would help the team by allowing top talent Marco Luciano to bat regularly as the team's designated hitter.

These allegations – as dubious as they seemed at the time – seem downright offensive today.

Zaidi manipulated the fan base.

And after years of preaching patience to the club's management and begging an ever-growing portion of the fan base to give the undeniably astute Zaidi another chance to pull the team out of the spiral of mediocrity, I'm out.

Insulting the intelligence of the media is one thing – we are fair game.

But insulting the intelligence of the fan base like Zaidi did?

This is unforgivable.

And in a just world it is terminable.