The best fake films from “Seinfeld”

The best fake films from “Seinfeld”

There are many reasons why Seinfeld is considered one of the best sitcoms of all time. This includes subtleties such as fictional films that are referenced during the series. Here is our ranking of the 20 best fictional films in Seinfeld'S Story.

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20. “Cold Fusion”


Briefly mentioned in the episode “The Bizarro Jerry”. Kramer (Michael Richards) found a job at the firm Brandt and Leland, where he had to play “TOC” (taking of business) among other things. After a hard day, Kramer was too busy to watch Jerry (Jerry Seinfeld) at a 7pm showing of Cold Fusion.

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19. “Flaming Globes of Sigmund”

“Flaming Globes by Sigmund”


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18. Agent Zero Girl

"Agent Zero"/"Girl with brown eyes"


We consider this a double whammy, as both films are referenced when Kramer's new phone number is slightly off from the automated “Moviefone” phone book (episode “The Pool Guy”). George (Jason Alexander) calls what he thinks is “Moviefone” but accidentally dials Kramer's number. Despite his initial annoyance at the number mix-up, Kramer (Michael Richards) goes back to the movie directory, imitates the automated voice, and tries his best to hilariously provide a service to moviegoers. We never learn anything more about these two films other than the titles.

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16. “Means to an end”

"Means to an end"


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15. “Blame the rain”

"Blame the rain"


Jerry and Nikki were able to get tickets for the sold-out Means to an endElaine (Julia Louis-Dreyfus) and her date Todd Gack (John D'Aquino) were not so lucky. So they are forced to take the less sought-after Blame the rainElaine is not very happy.

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14. “The Pain and the Longing”

"The pain and the longing"


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13. “The Silent Heart”

"The subdued heart"




The newly engaged George wanted Firestorm. Much to George's chagrin, Jerry liked the film and raved about it to another pal as he passed George and Susan in the theater lobby. “And what about Harrison Ford when he jumped out of the plane and shot back at them as he fell,” Jerry said passionately. The film was also mentioned in the episode “The Rye” when Frank Costanza (Jerry Stiller) chides Mr. Ross (Warren Frost) for “spoiling it for me.”

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11. “Prognosis negative”

"Prognosis negative"


Prognosis negative is possibly the most overrated feature film in Seinfeld Story. As mentioned several times throughout the series, this film, which Elaine does not want to see without Jerry (“The Dog”), turns out to be a flop. This is according to Jerry, who finally sees Prognosis negative later again with Elaine (episode “The Junior Mint”). At one point in the series there is even a shot of the film poster.

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10. “Up the mountain”

"Mountain up"


Back to the episode “The Pool Guy”: Kramer pretends to be the automated voice of “Moviefone”. At one point he offers a short audio preview for Mountain upa film rated R starring Kevin Bacon and Susan Sarandon. “You've got to get me over that hill!” Kramer announced in voice-over style. Followed by his own loud explosion, a fake scream and the catchphrase: “There's no higher place than…”Mountain up.”

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9. “Ponce de Leon”

"Ponce de Leon"


So instead of seeing Prognosis negative together without Jerry, George and Elaine Ponce de Leon (episode “The Dog”), the story of the famous Spanish conquistador who tried to find the mythical fountain of youth. The two friends discuss the film during the episode “The Movie”. Elaine was not a fan, but George claimed to have shed a tear when Ponce splashed around in the so-called fountain of youth and unfortunately didn't get any younger.



Speaking of “The Movie”: The focus of this entertaining episode from the fourth season is on Checkmate. A story apparently about chess and intrigue. The four main characters have trouble getting together to watch this film. Viewers get a dialogue with (voiced by Jerry Seinfeld and Larry David) about why a king would want to play chess when his piece is in danger during a game.

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7. “Blimp: The Hindenburg Story”

"Airship: The Hindenburg Story"


This is perhaps one of the most underrated fictional Seinfeld Movies. In the last original episode before the two-part series finale (“The Puerto Rican Day”), George draws laughter from other moviegoers when he shouts, “That's got to hurt!” after the famous Hindenburg explodes. Feeling empowered, George watches the film again, but this time the result is very different.



"Lunch pack"


While everyone around Elaine is bragging about how good the film is The English Patient (12-time Oscar-nominated film), she seems to be more interested in comedy packed lunch. An obvious story of A family in a brown paper lunch bag. “So, do you think they were shrunk, or is it just a giant sack?” Elaine finally sees and hates The English Patientmuch to the dismay of her then friends and boyfriend.

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4. “The Other Side of Darkness”

"The other side of darkness"


The other side of darknessS plays a prominent role in the episode “The Comeback.” The two-hour-plus direct-to-video film, starring Eric Roberts as the “unforgettable” male lead, is about a woman who falls into a coma. After watching the film up to this point, Kramer decides to take his own legal action if he ever falls into a coma. However, after watching the film to the end and learning that the woman has regained consciousness, Kramer reconsiders his living will.

"Death blow"


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2. “Cry, cry again”

"Cry, cry again"


Perhaps the highlight of the episode “The Little Kicks” is when Kramer tries to record this film, described as “an artistic film” for Brody's bootlegging business, after Jerry refuses. Kramer ends up leaving his camera with the tape of the film in it with Jerry. Elaine then comes across said camera and films herself to see if she really is a terrible dancer. Unbeknownst to Elaine, she overdubs part of Cry, cry again. Jerry and Kramer explain to Brody how the film “falls apart at the end” with the scene of a lone dancer.

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1. “Rochelle, Rochelle”

"Rochelle, Rochelle"


The legendary comedy series has made several references to this film about “a young girl's strange, erotic journey from Milan to Minsk”. George seems to be particularly fond of the film, probably because, as his ex-girlfriend Susan noted (“The Smelly Car” episode), it contains “a lot of nudity”. In the episode “The Understudy” Rochelle, Rochelle is being adapted as a Broadway musical, starring the legendary Bette Midler.

Jeff Mezydlo, a Chicago native, has written professionally about sports, entertainment and pop culture for four decades. He was a key member of the award-winning sports sections of The Times of Northwest Indiana (Munster, Indiana) and Champaign (Ill.) News-Gazette, where he covered the NFL, PGA, LPGA, NCAA basketball, football and golf, the Olympics and high school track and field. Most recently, Jeff spent 12 years on the editorial staff of STATSPerform, where he also oversaw coverage of the English Premier League. Jeff is a graduate of Northern Illinois University and his work has also appeared on such websites as Yahoo!, ESPN, Fox Sports, Sports Illustrated and However, if Jeff could do it all over again, he would attend Degrassi Junior High, Ampipe High School and Grand Lakes University.